PARYS MULTISPORT focuses primarily on serving the sport community of Ngwathe, the northern region of the Fezile Dabi District Municipality (Parys, Vredefort, Koppies, Heilbron, Edenville), Free State, South Africa. Join our multi-sport club, stay up to date with the latest sport events and activities in and around Parys, take your sport to the next level or get involved behind the scenes. PARYS MULTISPORT is for everyone.
Don't let those old running shoes pile up in your cupboard. Please start putting those shoes aside now (trail shoes, road shoes, track & field shoes) and bring them down to our Wednesday Time Trials, events organised by Parys Multisport, and events that support this project (myrun Parys). Your old running shoes will get a new lease on life and will be much appreciated by the runners in our community. Even if you think it is too bad of a condition to hand down, just put them all in a bag and bring it down!